The Benefits of Utilising a Project Manager for Turnkey Projects


In the fast-paced world of business, efficiency and effectiveness are key to staying ahead of the competition. When it comes to large-scale projects, especially those requiring end-to-end management, the role of a Project Manager becomes indispensable. These comprehensive projects, where a service provider handles everything from design to completion, require meticulous planning, coordination and execution. Here’s why having a dedicated Project Manager is crucial for the success of such ventures.

1. Centralised Communication and Coordination

One of the primary benefits of having a Project Manager is centralised communication. Large-scale projects involve multiple stakeholders, including architects, engineers, contractors, and clients. A Project Manager ensures that everyone is on the same page, facilitating smooth communication and coordination. This central point of contact reduces misunderstandings and streamlines the decision-making process.

2. Efficient Resource Management

Resource allocation is a critical aspect of any project. A Project Manager is skilled in managing resources effectively, ensuring that labour, materials and finances are utilised optimally. This efficiency helps in minimising waste and controlling costs, which is essential for staying within budget and maximising the return on investment.

3. Risk Management and Mitigation

Comprehensive projects come with their own set of risks, from unforeseen delays to budget overruns. A seasoned Project Manager is adept at identifying potential risks early and developing strategies to mitigate them. Their proactive approach to risk management can prevent minor issues from escalating into major problems, ensuring that the project stays on track.

4. Maintaining Quality Standards

Quality assurance is paramount in these types of projects. A Project Manager ensures that all aspects of the project adhere to the highest standards. They oversee the implementation of quality control processes, conduct regular inspections, and ensure that the final deliverable meets or exceeds client expectations. This focus on quality helps in building a strong reputation and securing future projects.

5. Time Management

Meeting deadlines is crucial in the business world. Comprehensive projects often have strict timelines, and delays can be costly. A Project Manager is skilled in time management, creating detailed project schedules, and ensuring that all tasks are completed on time. Their ability to anticipate potential delays and take corrective actions promptly keeps the project on schedule.

6. Budget Control

Staying within budget is a critical concern for any project. A Project Manager meticulously plans and monitors the project budget, ensuring that expenditures are tracked and controlled. They are adept at negotiating with suppliers, managing contracts, and finding cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. This financial oversight helps in preventing budget overruns and maximising profitability.

7. Enhanced Client Satisfaction

Ultimately, the success of a project is measured by client satisfaction. A Project Manager acts as a client advocate, ensuring that their needs and expectations are met. They provide regular updates, address concerns promptly, and ensure that the final product aligns with the client’s vision. This focus on client satisfaction can lead to repeat business and positive referrals.

8. Continuous Improvement

A good Project Manager is always looking for ways to improve processes and outcomes. They conduct post-project reviews to identify what went well and what could be improved. This commitment to continuous improvement helps in refining project management practices and achieving better results in future projects.


In conclusion, the benefits of utilising a Project Manager for large-scale projects are numerous. From efficient resource management and risk mitigation to maintaining quality standards and enhancing client satisfaction, a Project Manager plays a pivotal role in the successful execution of comprehensive projects. By centralising communication, controlling budgets, and ensuring timely completion, they provide the expertise and oversight needed to navigate the complexities of such ventures. Investing in a skilled Project Manager is not just a cost but a strategic move that can significantly enhance the success rate of end-to-end projects.

Small but Mighty – Revolutionising Facilities Management

In the realm of facilities management, size doesn’t always determine success. In fact, smaller firms with niche specialties can often provide a level of personalised service and innovation that larger corporations struggle to match. Today, we’re going to explore the unique advantages of partnering with a small facilities management company that boasts a powerful Facilities Management software, expertise in fit-out installations and comprehensive FM compliance management.

Facilities Management Supplier

One of the primary benefits of working with a small facilities management company is the personalised attention clients receive. Unlike larger firms, where you might be just another account number, smaller companies often prioritise building strong relationships with their clients. This means you’re not just another contract to fulfill but a valued customer whose unique needs are understood, addressed and the relationship is nurtured.

Agility and Flexibility

Small facilities management companies are inherently more agile and flexible than their larger counterparts. They can adapt quickly to changing circumstances, whether it’s adjusting schedules, accommodating special requests, or implementing new technologies. This agility ensures that your facility management needs are met promptly and efficiently, without bureaucratic delays or red tape.

Specialised Expertise

While larger firms may offer a broad range of services, small facilities management companies often specialise in specific areas, allowing them to become experts in their field. In the case of our featured company, their unique selling proposition lies in their Facilities Management software, fit-out installation capabilities, and site compliance management expertise. This specialisation means you’re benefiting from the latest advancements and best practices in those particular areas, resulting in superior service and outcomes.

Fit-Out and Maintenance

Beyond the initial fit-out installation, the commitment to client solutions continues with ongoing maintenance and compliance. Here’s where their unique value proposition truly shines. Once the fit-out is complete, many facilities face the challenge of maintaining compliance with various regulations and standards, especially concerning critical elements like boilers, warehouse doors, lifts, and more.

This is where your FM partner steps in with their comprehensive approach to maintenance and compliance management should you require this. They understand that ensuring the continued functionality and safety of these key components is paramount for the smooth operation of your facility. Their team is well-versed in the intricacies of regulatory requirements and industry standards, ensuring that your facility remains in compliance at all times.

By entrusting your maintenance and compliance needs to our FM partner, you can rest assured that critical systems are regularly inspected, serviced, and documented after a fit-out. This proactive approach not only minimises the risk of downtime and costly repairs but also demonstrates a commitment to the safety and well-being of your staff and visitors.

Integrated Solutions

What sets the small facilities management company apart is their ability to provide integrated solutions throughout the entire lifecycle of your facility. From initial fit-out installations to ongoing site compliance management, they have you covered every step of the way. Their comprehensive Facilities Management software serves as a central hub for managing all aspects of your facility, streamlining processes, and ensuring seamless communication between stakeholders.


Contrary to common misconceptions, partnering with a small facilities management company can often be more cost-effective than opting for a larger firm. Without the overheads associated with big corporate structures, small companies can offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality. Moreover, their efficiency and expertise can help optimise operations and minimise unnecessary expenses over time, delivering long-term value for your investment.

Extension to the Team

By outsourcing your facility management needs, you’re not just hiring a service provider – you’re gaining access to a pool of expertise and resources that may not be available in-house. The third party provider can become the ‘extenstion of the team’ or the ‘main go-to team’ which could lead to significant cost savings.

Firstly, relying on a third-party FM provider means you can access skills and knowledge that you may not have within your own team. Whether it’s specialised technical expertise, regulatory compliance know-how, or innovative solutions, your FM partner can fill in the gaps and provide invaluable support where needed. This means you don’t have to invest in hiring additional staff or training existing employees, saving both time and money.

Furthermore, having a smaller in-house team supplemented by an outsourced FM partner can lead to more efficient resource allocation. Instead of maintaining a large team to cover all possible scenarios, you can streamline your internal operations and focus on core business activities. Knowing that your FM partner is just a phone call away provides peace of mind, allowing you to scale resources up or down as needed without the overheads associated with maintaining a large in-house team.

In essence, the cost-effectiveness of partnering with a small facilities management company extends beyond the immediate financial savings. It’s about leveraging external expertise and resources to enhance your operational efficiency, minimise risks and drive overall business performance. By viewing your FM partner as an extension of your team, you’re not just reducing costs – you’re unlocking new possibilities for growth and success.

Commitment to Excellence

Finally, what truly sets a small facilities management company apart is their unwavering commitment to excellence. They take pride in their work and are dedicated to exceeding client expectations at every turn. Whether it’s ensuring your facility is running smoothly, maintaining compliance with regulations, or leveraging technology to drive innovation, they go above and beyond to deliver results that speak for themselves.

In conclusion, while big names may dominate the facilities management industry, there’s a compelling case to be made for the power of small. By partnering with a specialised firm like the one we’ve discussed, you’re not just getting a service provider – you’re gaining a strategic partner invested in your success. With personalised attention, specialised expertise, integrated solutions, and a commitment to excellence, the small facilities management company is proving that when it comes to managing your facility, size isn’t everything – it’s the quality of service that truly matters.

Managing Waste in the Workplace – A Comprehensive Guide

Waste management and recycling is a crucial aspect of maintaining a clean and sustainable workplace. Effective waste management not only helps reduce your organisation’s environmental footprint but also promotes a healthier and more productive workspace. In this blog we’ll explore various waste streams that commonly arise in offices, such as kitchen waste, office paperwork, electrical waste, hygiene waste, work clothing, and clinical waste. We’ll discuss best practices for managing these waste streams efficiently and responsibly, including options for secure shredding and disposal methods.

1. Kitchen Waste

The office kitchen can generate a significant amount of waste, primarily consisting of food scraps, beverage containers and packaging materials. To manage kitchen waste effectively:

– Implement a recycling program: Encourage employees to separate recyclables from general waste. Provide clearly labelled bins for paper, plastic, glass, and aluminium items.

– Regular maintenance: Ensure that kitchen waste bins are emptied regularly to prevent odours and pests.

– Composting: If possible, set up a composting system for food scraps and coffee grounds. Composting not only reduces waste but also creates nutrient-rich soil for landscaping.
– Coffee pods: Speak to your supplier about recycling schemes for your used coffee pods, typically companies will send you recycling bags to place your pods in and your send these back to their nominated recyling partner.

2. Office Paperwork

Paper waste is a common issue in many offices, especially if your organisation deals with sensitive documents. To manage office paperwork efficiently:

– Secure shredding: Protect sensitive information by using professional shredding services. You can choose between onsite or offsite shredding based on your organisation’s size, available resources and security needs.

– Digitalisation: Encourage the digitalisation of documents to reduce the reliance on paper and make information more accessible which in turn will reduce your waste in this area.

– Recycling: Always recycle paper when possible, promoting a sustainable approach to waste management and ensure your recycling partner shares with you your “certificate of destruction”.

3. Electrical Waste

You may have heard the terem WEEE which stands for Waste, Electrical and Electronic Equipment and is regulated by the UK Government to reduce the amount of unwanted electrcials that are incerated or sent to landfill.   Why not colalte all your old computers, printers, cables and other electronic devices to get them ready to recycle responsibly due to their potentially hazardous components. Here’s how to handle it:

– Electrical waste recycling programs: Seek a supplier who can provide WEEE recycling facilities to dispose of old electronic equipment properly and they will share a waste transfer certificate.

– Reuse and refurbish: Consider reusing or refurbishing older electronics if they are still functional like mobile phones.

– Educate employees: Train your staff about the importance of responsible electrical waste disposal and the potential environmental impacts of improper disposal.


4. Hygiene Waste

Hygiene waste, such as used tissues and sanitary products, can be a challenge to manage in the workplace but you can use professional companies to remove this waste. To maintain hygiene and cleanliness:

– Separate bins: Provide separate bins for hygiene waste in restrooms and other relevant areas including PPE.

– Hygiene waste disposal services: Partner with waste management companies that specialise in the disposal of hygiene waste to ensure proper handling and disposal. Some companies will also be able to turn your waste into energy and ensure it doesn’t go to landfill.

– Regular cleaning and maintenance: Ensure that hygiene waste bins are cleaned and emptied frequently to maintain a sanitary environment and request this is done at a time to suit your business and when customers may be onsite.

5. Work Clothing

Work clothing waste can accumulate in offices where uniforms or specialised clothing are worn. To manage this waste stream:
– Donation programs: Consider donating old work clothing that is still in good condition to charitable organisations or local community groups.
– Recycling textiles: Reach out to specialised textiles recycling providers who can take your unwanted clothing, textiles and workwear that is no longer required and recycle this reponsibly.
– Promote durability: Encourage employees to take good care of their work clothing, which can extend its lifespan and reduce the need for replacements and seek to buy clothing which can be recycled at the end of its life.

6. Clinical Waste

In some workplaces, especially medical and healthcare facilities, clinical waste can be a concern. To manage clinical waste safely:

– Segregation and labelling: Clearly segregate clinical waste from other waste streams and label it appropriately.

– Medical waste disposal services: Work with specialised clinical waste disposal companies that can ensure safe and compliant disposal.

– Training and awareness: Train employees on the correct procedures for handling and disposing of clinical waste to prevent contamination and ensure safety.

Effective waste management in the workplace is essential for environmental sustainability, employee wellbeing and safety. By implementing responsible waste management practices for various waste streams, including kitchen waste, office paperwork, electrical waste, hygiene waste, work clothing, and clinical waste, your organisation can create a cleaner, more efficient, and environmentally friendly workspace. Make waste management a priority in your workplace, and you’ll reap the benefits of a healthier and more sustainable office environment.

The Power of Outsourced Facilities Management

Running a business involves numerous responsibilities, one of which is managing your facility effectively. Whether you operate a small office or a sprawling corporate campus, maintaining a smooth and well-maintained workplace is vital for productivity and employee satisfaction. One question that often arises is whether to handle facilities management in-house or outsource it to a specialised provider.  Below we’ll look at enhanced efficiencies and cost savings through outsourcing facilities management and shed light on why size isn’t always everything when it comes to choosing the right partner for your business.

1. Expertise without the Payroll Burden

Outsourcing facilities management provides you with access to a team of trained experts who excel in their field. These professionals are dedicated to delivering top-notch services, ranging from maintenance and repairs to security and cleaning. By opting for an outsourced provider, you tap into a wealth of specialised knowledge and experience without the need to bear the costs associated with hiring and training an in-house team.

2. Reduced Headcount, Increased Focus

One of the most significant advantages of outsourcing facilities management is the reduced headcount. By entrusting these responsibilities to a third-party provider, you can streamline your internal operations and enable your employees to focus on their core tasks. This leads to enhanced productivity, as your team can channel their energies into driving growth and innovation, knowing that their work environment is being taken care of by dedicated professionals.

3. Cost-Effective Solutions

When comparing the costs of in-house facilities management with outsourced options, the latter often proves to be the more cost-effective solution. By outsourcing, you eliminate the need to invest in infrastructure, equipment and training for your own facility management team. Additionally, outsourcing providers typically have established networks and supplier relationships, allowing them to negotiate better deals for goods and services, resulting in potential cost savings for your business.

4. Importance of Choosing the Right Partner

While size may initially seem like a crucial factor in choosing a facilities management provider, it is essential to look beyond the numbers. While larger firms may boast extensive resources, smaller companies can offer distinct advantages. Smaller providers often prioritize personalized service and are more flexible in adapting to your unique needs. With a smaller firm, you can expect a higher level of attention, quicker response times, and a genuine commitment to building a strong client relationship.

5. Enhanced Service Levels

The success of your business depends on the satisfaction of your employees and clients. Outsourcing facilities management to a specialized provider can help you achieve higher service levels, leading to a more positive experience for everyone involved. Smaller firms, in particular, tend to be highly customer-centric, focusing on delivering tailored solutions and going the extra mile to meet your specific requirements. By choosing the right outsourced provider, you can ensure that your facility operates smoothly, creating a positive and productive environment.


Outsourcing facilities management offers a range of benefits, including access to expert knowledge, reduced headcount, cost savings, and enhanced service levels. It’s important to remember that size isn’t always everything when selecting a provider. Smaller firms can deliver exceptional levels of service, with a focus on personalised attention and flexibility. When considering outsourcing, take the time to research and select the right partner for your business’s unique needs. By doing so, you can unlock efficiency, cost savings, and a well-maintained facility that supports your overall business objectives.

For more information on facilities management services, click here.

7 Ways Facilities Management Services Can Elevate Your Business

What are facilities management services?

A facilities management company is an outsourced service that supports the streamlined function and safety of commercial buildings, real estate or educational settings (a prime example would be offices or schools).

They provide a multi-disciplinary solution that covers a broad range of services, ranging from PPM (planned preventative maintenance) fault repairs, grounds maintenance to fit-outs, with the purpose of creating productive workspaces and maintaining health and safety compliance.

The importance of facilities management cannot be overstated. In terms of productivity, employees will be far more engaged in a comfortable workplace. On the other hand, businesses can also use facilities management services to avoid large costs. Proactively managing repairs and on-site equipment allows businesses to focus on prevention and identify any issues quickly.

Some examples of facilities management services include:

  • Capital project planning and management
  • Maintenance and operations
  • Occupancy and space management
  • Employee and occupant experience
  • Emergency management and business continuity
  • Real estate management

Source: IBM

Hard vs Soft FM Services

There are two types of facilities management: hard and soft. Here at Quills, we offer both.

Hard facilities management refers to services tied to the physical structure of the building. These have an impact on the safety of any employees or visitors; therefore, they’re covered by the Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992 and your business must be actively managing them.

Some examples of hard FM would be:

  • Wiring and electronics
  • Fire safety systems
  • Lift management
  • Building repairs
  • Plumbing and gas
  • Heating, cooling and humidity

Soft facilities management services focus more on people. These are services you provide to create a pleasant and welcoming environment for your employees and visitors.

Some examples of soft FM would be:

  • Car park management
  • Landscaping
  • On-site catering or vending machines
  • Security
  • Cleaning

The benefits of outsourcing facilities management services


1. Successful facilities management is a complex, time-consuming job that many businesses won’t have in-house talent for

Facilities management is a specialised profession that encompasses many skills and requires particular work experience. Unless a business has hired an experienced facilities manager, it’s very unlikely that their existing talent will be able to fulfil those duties and they would still require external support on the compliance side.

Considering the sizeable penalties for non-compliance with workplace safety laws in the UK, having inexperienced facilities management can be a costly mistake.

2. Facilities management keeps your workplace health and safety compliant

In the UK, the highest workplace health and safety fine of 2022 was £5 million!


Workplace health and safety should not be an afterthought; it should be a core part of your business model and running a commercial building comes with many responsibilities that facilities management services are well-equipped to take over – leaving your business or workplace more time to focus on what’s important.


3. Outsourcing means support is available 24/7

Each provider will be differ, but here at Quills we offer numerous packages to suit each business’s individual needs.

We can provide a 24/7 service desk with access to our highly qualified teams across mixed trades.

Our experienced engineers can assist with air conditioning systems, plumbing, fault repairs, fire safety measures, general handyman jobs, and many others.

4. Quills offer an easy-to-use facilities asset management software that allows businesses to stay up to date on jobs and tasks

Outsourcing allows businesses to hand over the daily duties of facilities management; however, for peace of mind and accountability, it’s important that the information is readily available.

Quills user-friendly facilities management tracking software gives businesses a streamlined overview of all jobs and duties. Some of the useful features our software provides are below:

  • Full visibility of all works, both planned and in progress
  • Up-to-date job statuses
  • Manage quotes and invoices
  • View related documents, certificates, before and after photos
  • Detailed audits of each task/job including reports and any subsequently required safety tasks
  • For large corporate and property maintenance companies, a full inventory of all company assets. This tool also allows you to view asset values and depreciation costs, which is valuable information when deciding whether to repair or replace an item
  • Library area to store key documents relating to your assets

5. Create a happier workplace environment for employees

Keeping employees engaged at work is critical for business success. Businesses with high employee engagement have 59% less turnover, 17% more productivity and 41% less absenteeism

Effective facilities management creates welcoming and safe workplaces, which in turn helps to build an engaged workforce.

6. Outsourcing is more cost effective than hiring a facilities manager

The average salary of a Facilities Manager in the UK is £39,999 – £45,000. That’s a rather large business expense, especially when you take into account the fact that most businesses don’t need an on-site facilities manager.

Outsourcing means you’re only paying for facilities management services when you need them and the management of these tasks is looked after by the FM provider.

7. Effective facilities management can also save businesses a significant amount of money!

You might be surprised to learn how much money facilities management services can actually save . . .

Real estate is the second-highest cost for an organization and effective space management can result in cost savings up to 30%. A smart building with integrated systems can realise 30–50% savings in existing buildings that are otherwise inefficient.


Overall, there are many compelling reasons that facilities management services benefit businesses.

If you’re looking to outsource your facilities management, our nationwide service can be tailored to suit your needs.

What Facilities Management Services Can You Outsource To Quills?

Quills work with companies of all sizes within the commercial, educational, public, retail and residential sectors and we offer a comprehensive range of packages.

A brief overview of some of the services we offer are below:

If your business requires a UK-based facilities management provider, please take a look at our facilities management service page and contact us for more information!


Quills Strengthens its FM and Project Offering

Quills Facilities Management service is going from strength to strength with the addition of Formation Group to now offer a full facilities and project service for our clients. We are pleased to announce the amalgamation of Quills FM and Formation Group to form Quills FM Ltd.

Formation Group established in 2003, are an experienced and trusted commercial interiors provider who have delivered an array of public and private sector interior projects from small works, to larger scale fit-outs, refurbishments and design and builds.


Quality Assurance

Formation Group’s investment in quality assurance ensures projects achieve the highest possible standards. ISO9001 accredited for Quality Management Systems, ISO14001 for Environmental Management Systems and Construction Line Gold status have resulted in and have helped secure positions on Tier 1 supply chains.

Managing Director Andy Efstathiou said “this is a fantastic venture that combines the software, service and experience of Quills FM with the management team of Formation Group to provide a powerhouse offering in the FM arena. We look forward to working with Paul and his team to build an industry leading offering.”

Operations Director Paul Atkinson said “We’re delighted to be joining forces with Quills Group. Our shared vision of disrupting traditional models through investment in automation and digital transformation was an important factor and enables us to take a compelling, combined proposition to our clients. We look forward to working with Andy, Adam, Tom and the wider Quills team, to develop and strengthen our client offering in the FM and projects sector”.

Quills can still provide a wide range of planned compliance services supporting single and multi-site locations and all works are carried out to the strictest safety standards.

Quills facilities management software keeps track of your planned compliance maintenance jobs, manages your assets and can provide tailored reports too. You can track the progress of jobs via our smart facilities management software to ensure quotes, invoices, before and after images and guarantees are all in one place

For further information on Quills FM click here or email us at



Why you should consider an Air Purifier for the Office?

With the effect of the global pandemic from the initial strain, to the Delta and Omicron variants, ventilation and indoor air quality has never been more important. With all the varying information regarding air purifiers, purchasing one can seem quite overwhelming but don’t worry, we’ve de-mystified everything that you need to know to help you find the perfect solution.

What is an air purifier?

An air purifier cleans the air through the use of a filter, or filters removing contaminants and pollutants such as dust, pollen, smoke and dangerous airborne viruses and bacteria. Air purifiers also help to reduce the chances of health issues caused by air pollutants, such as respiratory problems, neurological problems or the aggravation of asthma.

Typically, filters are made of paper, fibre, fibreglass or mesh and they require regular replacement to maintain efficiency. Other filters are reusable and will need regular washing for optimal usage. 

Air purifiers help to reduce the spread of Covid-19

Germs and pollutants thrive indoors due to the lack of circulation, meaning rooms that have poor ventilation can become a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. Specific air purifiers with the HEPA filter have been proven to reduce airborne viruses such as Covid-19.  A HEPA filter can remove 99.97% or more of airborne particles that are sized 0.3 microns and larger…these filters can be effective in removing Covid-19 particles within the air.

How to choose the right indoor air purifier? 

Every air purifier has different factors and features that affect its usage and its effectiveness against domestic pollution, so before buying an air purifier for your workspace it’s important to compare the features to ensure it can meet your requirements. 

A good air purification system can clean the air of viruses, bacteria, allergens, and VOC’s (volatile organic compounds).

Reviewing the filtration levels is also an important factor when considering which air purifier will be right for your indoor space. Take a look below to view some of the key criteria to look out for when purchasing an air purifier:-

  • CADR (clean-air delivery rate) rating – This calculates the rate at which the purifier extracts dust and pollen.
  • Clean air changes per hour – Airflow rate relative to the room size and depends on the quantity of people in a room and environment but between 3 and 6 is recommended and up to 10 in places such as hospitals.
  • Speed of aerosol reduction – SAGE suggest in their paper Ventilation Actions summary that if there are 6 air changes per hour, 95% of contaminants in the air would be removed in 30 minutes.
  • Size guidelines – For high efficiency, get the right model for your room size. Opt for a model that is designed for a larger space. Consult with your supplier and ask for assistance calculating which models are suitable for your space and how many purifiers you will require to improve ventilation and air quality.
  • Efficiency of filters – HEPA Filters – HEPA13 and HEPA14 have the highest filtration for viruses and are an industry standard for quality air purifiers.  They are effective at removing the smallest of particles like dust, dander, pollen, mould and other common allergens that can be found in the work place. 
  • Carbon filters – These make a considerable difference to the removal of odours within a room.
  • Filter only or filter and decontamination?  Some air cleaners are filter only and some decontaminate any bacteria or viruses that have been drawn into the filters using a steronizer, heat or ultraviolet light.
  • UV Light –  As mentioned above, some filters will capture airborne particles and some will go to the next step and have a process to kill bacteria and viruses using a heat decontamination or UV light process.
  • Intelligent Sensors – Some air purifiers have built in sensors which scan a room and will automatically commence air cleaning when air quality drops and other units will notify you when air quality falls below a set figure. 
  • Location – Being able to correctly locate an air purifier is essential for high function, since most air purifiers have an intake near the front of the machine, you will want the unit to be in a suitable position to access key parts of the room close to the occupants or have more than one unit to ensure it has access to the many airborne particles.
  • Portable – Consider where you would like the air cleaner to be located and if it would help to be portable.  Wall mounted, table top and floor standing machines are available and you can also purchase units on wheels.
  • Noise Level – 68 dB or below is considered safe and all air purifiers will have the noise level within the description and normal conversation is around 60bD
  • Cost – Units can range from £100 to a few thousand pounds.
  • Maintenance – Filter change frequency is typically annually or every six months. Some can be carried out in-house and some will require a professional to remove and change the filter. Typically, the higher than fan speed, the more maintenance will be required.
  • Air Quality Monitoring & Reporting – Air quality reporting can be provided for some models which may be useful for potential litigation purposes.
  • Environmental impact of the unit – All air purifiers will have an impact on the environment, however, finding one that has features that will lower that impact can be important.
  • Testing & certification – Check what laboratory testing has been carried out and some manufacturers have white papers on their products.

We hope the above has provided some useful tips to consider before purchasing an air cleaner for your indoor setting. To find out more about air purifiers and lease plans, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Greener washroom services that are a breath of fresh air!

Not many of us think about what’s required to keep a washroom functioning and ensure we don’t go running for the hills after entering. Truth be told, there are many items that need to be serviced to ensure these facilities run smoothly. When numerous people are using the facilities on a daily basis, it’s vital that key items are serviced regularly and ensure that the place smells great too!

If you believe the only green link with washrooms is the colour you go whenever you think about them, it’s time to think again!

One topic which is being talked about more openly is waste management, although probably not hygiene waste. Quills love finding sustainable solutions for our clients to help them with their environmental commitments so we can’t wait to tell you more. Take a look below.

Zero sanitary waste to landfill

We agree, this is an unpleasant topic but, this isn’t a time to be squeamish. Sadly, sanitary products cause more than 200,000 tonnes of waste a year. And when it comes to nappies, it’s estimated that in the UK, around three billion disposable nappies end up in landfill every year. Yuck! What’s worse is that sanitary products and disposable nappies will take more than 500 years to decompose. This means we could make a huge impact on the environment by choosing a provider who doesn’t send sanitary waste to landfill.

This is exactly what happens with Quills’ washroom services and sustainable solutions. Here’s how it works.

We’ll collect your sanitary waste on a regular basis and at a time that suits your business – if doing this outside of working hours is preferred this is not a problem. We’ll clean the sanitary bins and change the liners. We use antimicrobial liners in our feminine hygiene units which significantly reduce bacterial growth and combat odours. The waste is then taken away to plants specialising in Energy from Waste (EfW). The waste is then turned into renewable energy, and any residual waste from the EfW process is used as an aggregate in the construction industry. Absolutely nothing goes to landfill, which we love!

And as an additional green bonus, our feminine hygiene units are recyclable at the end of their working lives.

So, if you’re looking for ways to make your company more sustainable and you’d like to discuss greener solutions for workplace hygiene waste management and washroom services, send us an enquiry or give us a call on 0845 078 0324.

Zero Sanitary Waste

Energy efficient hand dryers

If you haven’t done so already, why not consider switching to energy-efficient hand dryers? This will help save your business money and reduce your energy usage too. Depending on the size of the unit and frequency of use, we have dryers that typically cost between £13 to £32 per year to run. We can install your chosen hand dryers and we can service them too.

Energy Efficient Hand Dryers

Reducing your water usage

We tend to think that because it rains so much in the UK, we don’t have to worry about saving water. But the sad fact is that climate change is having a massive impact on our water supply. Our summers are becoming hotter and drier, which will result in water shortages at certain times of the year, especially in the south which is more densely populated. By doing whatever you can to save water, you’ll not only reduce your water bills, you’ll also be helping to ensure every business and every person has access to enough clean water for their needs all year round.

In your company’s washrooms, you can install technology that will help your business save water without having to compromise on hygiene. Our Sensaflush and Autoflush units will help you reduce water consumption by up to 90%. And when your premises are vacant, such as at weekends, over the Christmas break or – and we really hope it won’t come to this – during another lockdown, the units will automatically flush every 12 hours, which will keep your water system flowing. This is important because stagnant water can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria such as Legionella (which is the cause of the potentially fatal Legionnaires’ disease).

Air quality and ventilation

Without being too graphic, we all know the importance of having fresh air in the washroom! However, many washrooms have no access to an outside wall for ventilation and even if there is a window that can be opened, you probably won’t want them open in the winter. To help avoid wasting energy in the winter through heat loss, you can consider installing Air Cleaners. Covid-19 has shown us the importance of ventilation. By installing air purification systems in your washroom and in other parts of the building – you’ll control odours as well as destroying bacteria, viruses, mould and fungi. This is done through a process called ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI). UVGI uses ultraviolet light to kill microorganisms, improving the air quality by ensuring it is clean and hygienic. What’s more, this process will be happening 24/7, not just when you remember to open a window.

Air quality and ventilation

Even our journeys are greener

Saving petrol plays a key part in making our services more sustainable. That’s why we use route-planning software to plot the most fuel-efficient routes. We also have fuel analytic technology fitted in our service fleet which helps us to optimise our fuel consumption even further.

If you’d like to find out more about making your company washrooms greener and cleaner, feel free to get in touch.

Business building

What is included in property maintenance services?

Unless property maintenance is your core business, all those little maintenance jobs are likely to be put at the bottom of your To Do list owing to the fact that they don’t directly bring money into the company. By outsourcing your property maintenance services, you’ll significantly reduce the amount of time you spend on maintenance, enabling you to take care of what you’re good at, knowing that your premises are being looked after by the experts and you are fully compliant

We offer a number of property management services that will help you maintain your property to a high standard, giving you the peace of mind that your premises are clean, safe and well maintained. We’ll also help to ease your workload because all you need to do is contact us and we’ll do the rest! 

Grounds Maintenance

Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM)

We will help you draw up a schedule of all the planned and compliance related jobs that you know you’ll need to do throughout the year. Our highly trained experts will make sure your equipment is working efficiently, identify any potential problems and schedule preventative repairs at a time that suits you. If you know there may be a problem but leave things until they go wrong, you run the risk of disrupting your work, reducing productivity or impacting business continuity, as well as incurring emergency call-out fees. An additional problem which many companies are experiencing as a result of the pandemic is that you can no longer rely on parts being available when you need them. With PPM, you can order spare parts in advance, so even if there’s a delay in delivery, you won’t experience disruption. 

A picture of work tools for minor repairs


Whether it’s a broken office chair, a cracked sink, a scratched table, chipped tiles, a leaking sink or a broken door, you need to repair it. With everyone recognising the need to work as sustainably as possible, our motto of ‘Repair Don’t Replace’ has never been more apt. Not only is repairing what you have the right thing to do for the planet, it’s also much more cost effective and less disruptive than buying and installing a brand-new replacement. 

And when you’re so obviously taking good care of your company’s property, it encourages your staff to take more care of it too, reducing the chance of accidental damage happening in the future. 

Cleaning and Hygiene

Quills offers cleaning services to maintain hygiene throughout your premises, especially in high-traffic areas. Since the pandemic, it’s even more important to ensure that everything possible is done to protect staff and visitors from the risks of infection, and our anti-bacterial deep clean service has become a very popular addition to our regular cleaning services. 

Cleaning & Hygiene picture of Quills worker

Grounds Maintenance

Outdoor grounds and communal areas come with their own maintenance and cleaning needs, and a facilities management service will provide everything you need, from grass cutting and gardening to waste management and de-icing in the winter months. 

Legionella Testing

Preventing the occurrence of the legionella bacteria in your property’s water system is a fundamental part of your company’s health and safety requirements. Our specialists will be happy to carry out a risk assessment and organise any monitoring, water testing, disinfection and remedial works necessary. All our staff are fully trained and certified. 

Contact us to find out more about what’s included in our property maintenance services and how we can help you with your particular needs.

Facilities Management Office Space

Why Employ a Facilities Management Company?

If you’re responsible for your company’s property maintenance – whether it’s taking care of one building or managing a portfolio of properties – you’ll know how much time and energy it takes to keep on top of things. There are many different aspects to property maintenance, and keeping on top of all the suppliers you’ll need to carry out repairs, maintenance and any necessary health and safety tests at your properties will take a lot of time, record keeping and energy. This is why going through a Facilities Management Company (FMC) that offers comprehensive facilities management services – such as Quills – makes good business sense. 

Planned Maintenance Jobs

Every workplace needs to employ cleaners, and if your premises has grounds outside you’ll need someone to take care of those on a regular basis too, whether it’s a gardener to look after lawns and flowerbeds, or someone to maintain your paths and car park. If you employ cleaners and maintenance staff directly, you’ll need to pay all the associated costs that come with that, such as recruiting every time someone leaves or finding replacements when employees are off sick or on holiday, as well as the costs of putting them on the payroll and associated HR time. 

We can take care of all your cleaning and maintenance staffing needs on your behalf, giving you and your own staff the time to concentrate on work rather than trying to find someone to cover unexpected staff shortages at the last minute. 

Facilities Management Maintenance

Reactive Repair works

Let’s say, for example, you’re in need of a plumber to fix a leak. It’s been some time since you last used a plumber, and the person you used to use has now retired, leaving you with the problem of sourcing a good and trustworthy tradesperson at short notice. You would need to spend time and energy searching for new plumbers, researching them and reading reviews before booking the work, usually, at a day and time that suits them. By booking through our facilities management reactive service, all works are guaranteed and our trusted tradesperson who will be booked in at a convenient time, day or night.  Emergency call outs can be logged on our 24/7 helpdesk portal or you can call the emergency line if it’s out of business hours. 

As an FMC, Quills has a number of in-house and trusted contractor staff available at all times, so all you’d need to do is get in touch and book the service you need – we’ll take care of the rest. If your tradesperson is unable to make a scheduled maintenance appointment, it is our responsibility to find a trusted replacement who can do the work so the appointment will go ahead without disrupting your day. 

Facilities Management - Planned Maintenance

Scheduled Maintenance

and checks that need to be carried out on a regular basis to ensure your company is up to date with servicing as well as Health & Safety certification, such as PAT testing, fire safety or legionella water testing. An FMC will help you schedule routine work to make sure your company is meeting all its safety requirements. Quills also offers facilities tracking software that allows you to diarise work, check the progress of maintenance work and keep copies of the certifications, photos and other documentation in one central place. Key reporting on works and assets is also available.

Whether you are responsible for a single site or multiple site location, our facilities management services can take care of the upkeep and repairs for your premises. By outsourcing these jobs, you’ll have more time to concentrate on your core business. Contact us to find out more.