legionella testing office kitchen sink

Why is Legionella water testing important?

Under the Health & Safety Regulations your company must appoint someone to be responsible for preventing and controlling risks associated with legionella and ensuring adequate assessments are carried out. Often, this responsibility is outsourced to legionella water testing companies

With so much attention currently directed to the Coronavirus, it is easy to lose sight of other risks, but this could be dangerous; the legionella bacterium is responsible for the potentially fatal Legionnaires’ Disease. The protection of your staff and customers from the risks of legionella is especially important if you are reopening your business after a break in trading. If there is air conditioning at your premises, legionella water testing will help you to maintain safety standards. 

Legionella is a water-borne bacterium. When it is inhaled – usually in fine water droplets – it infects the lungs and results in Legionnaires’ Disease. Many outbreaks originate from air conditioning units, but in the commercial environment, people have also been infected by water from spa jacuzzi’s \ hot tubs and showers. 

What conditions enable the legionella bacteria to thrive?

The optimal conditions that allow legionella to grow are stagnant water that is heated at an optimum temperature of between 20oC and 45oC. At lower and higher temperatures, the bacteria will be dormant; temperatures above 60oC will kill the bacteria. Where there is a regular flow of water, there is less risk from legionella because the bacteria do not have a chance to establish themselves. Stagnant water also collects waste materials and sludge which provide the bacteria with the nutrients they need to thrive. 

Domestic properties are much less prone to the bacteria owing to the constant water use and the fact that hot water is heated above the highest temperature that the bacteria can remain active in. However, on a cautionary note, take care in the garden – especially during the summer months – as people have been infected with legionella bacteria that have had a chance to grow in warm, stagnant water in garden hoses and water butts. 

Have your business premises been closed during lockdown?

If your workplace has been closed during lockdown, you may have inadvertently encouraged the perfect conditions for the legionella bacteria to thrive, with unused water pipes and air conditioning units heated by summer temperatures. 

The recommended frequency that you need to do regular legionella water testing will depend on your company and risk assessment. 

Don’t leave it to chance

Book your legionella water test today for peace of mind or perhaps to complete your Covid-19 risk assessment. We now offer a full range of services to protect your business from legionella, including legionella risk assessments, water testing, water system management, and water tank cleaning and disinfection. 


Stay safe.

Why Sneeze Guards/Protective Screens are an ideal addition to the post-pandemic office

UK employees are beginning to phase back into the workplace and are preparing for the ‘new’ way of working. Although Boris Johnson recently announced that as of the 4th July, social distancing measures will be reduced to “1 metre-plus”, the safety of employees and customers is still a top priority for all businesses and cleaning, hygiene and protective measures need to be carefully planned out and ready for employees to come back.

Protective Screens, also known as ‘Sneeze Guards’, are a favourable and future-proof solution when it comes to keeping employees protected. Not only can they be used as a physical barrier between staff, but they also have an array of other benefits which we are going to explore further in this blog.


Protective Screens allow for agile working & flexibility

The beauty of Protective Screens is that you have full control over the placement and fixtures of them. For example, you have the choice to implement full standing screens fixed to the floor between desk benches or you could opt for small, light-weight screens placed on top of desks instead. This allows for flexible working as the screens can be repositioned to where they are required i.e. breakout sessions, during important meetings or to create private spaces for employees to focus.


Keeps your employees and customers protected

Social distancing is set to be the new normal so it’s likely that implementing Hygiene Screens won’t just be a ‘temporary’ solution. It’s important that your employees and customers feel safe and are confident that their health is being protected in the workplace. They add another layer of security for your employees and visitors and act as a physical barrier to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other germs. 

Whether you’re working in a doctors surgery, hospital, school, reception area, hotel, holiday park, hair salon, office or retail environment, there is a huge range of screens to suit all sizes, spaces and requirements.


Maintains transparency & light in the workplace

Implementing Protective Screens in the office doesn’t have to result in a loss of space or light. The majority of these screens are transparent (made with clear acrylic or glass) which ensures that full visibility is maintained and your employees and customers are still able to see, interact and engage with one another.

Another benefit is that the clear transparent screens is that they will also prevent the office from becoming ‘closed in’ or  ‘shrinking’ and modern open plan workspaces can still be achieved.


Easy to clean 

Cleaning and hygiene is now more important than ever, especially in the workplace environment. The clear acrylic and glass screens are extremely easy to clean and are safe to use. Most screens are also made with an antimicrobial surface coating to help reduce the spread of germs and bacteria which will further help to protect the people using them.  

Businesses are also having a deep cleaning service before employees return to work and looking at long term hygiene solutions like antimicrobial surface coatings which can be applied to high traffic areas like door handles, tables, reception counters, lift buttons, handrails etc to help prevent the spread of germs?


What screen is right for me? 

Whilst Protective Screens and Sneeze Guards are designed to protect against droplets from coughs or sneeze in the air, there is no definitive answer to the question ‘what height should they be?’ We would recommend using a protective screen 660mm above desk height to provide an appropriate barrier against airborne droplets between seated people and for floor standing screens, we would suggest 1895mm high for an appropriate barrier between those people who are standing (including a standing person and a seated person).

For more information or to start exploring our huge range of Screens and Sneeze Guards, please click here. You can also get in touch with a member of the Quills Interiors team at hello@quillsuk.co.uk or call 0845 078 0324. 

Alternatively, take a look at our Protective Screens brochure for more inspiration

office workers social distancing covid 19

Returning to work – a new landscape

Many companies are contemplating how to make the move from national lockdown to ‘back to the new normal’ work processes. For some, normal as it was will not resume and there will be a period of adjustment where employers will be redefining what the workplace means as they, along with their employees, get used to whatever the new normal will be. It is widely accepted that whilst most businesses have operated efficiently during lockdown, if it is safe to do so, it’s time to begin a phased return to work.

Businesses large and small are therefore planning to bring some or all of their employees back to work and are following government guidelines on how to prepare the workplace for this. Employees returning to work will be understandably anxious and worried so it is vital you put their minds at rest and assure them that all measures possible have been taken to safeguard them whilst they’re at work. There are many things to consider when preparing for this uncharted territory, read on for our advice and information on how we can help.

Trust your suppliers

Your trusted suppliers will be your best friends during this time. If you have built up a solid relationship with them over the years, you will be the first to know what their service offering is and how they have diversified to ensure they can supply exactly what you need during these unusual trading times. They will be the ones to rely on when you need to source key products in large quantities and you will be able to count on them to give you honest advice on the availability of high demand products and the best market price as these can change daily. They are only a phone call away so it’s always worth touching base with them and asking for their assistance. You will be amazed at how resourceful they are!  

Get cleaning!

If you haven’t already, now is the optimum time to have your office or premises steamed and deep cleaned. Office deep cleaning is recommended to be carried out at least twice per year as it will remove any dust, bacteria and fungi that has been lurking in forgotten corners and inaccessible areas that haven’t seen a vacuum cleaner in months. You can also take it one step further and have the cleaners sanitise it using antiviral detergents to kill germs and disinfect all of the high touch points. Antibacterial door handles can also be placed on the doors to reduce contamination and an antibacterial surface lacquer can be applied to the hard surfaces to complete your rigorous hygiene schedule. This will ensure that the workplace is as clean as it possibly can be and ready for your people to come back to work safely.

Who’s in?

Following government regulations, you will be required to calculate how many people you will be able to fit in your workspace without compromising coronavirus health and safety protocols. A thorough risk assessment will need to be carried out in order to identify any risks or hazards and a programme put in place to help employees stay safe, protected and as productive as possible with new procedures and guidelines put in place if necessary. For example, hand washing and/or hand sanitising stations will need to be available at all times at the entry and exit points to ensure that the correct sanitisation and hygiene controls are in place. Meeting rooms will need to be reviewed in terms of their layout, ventilation, seating arrangements and whether you introduce protective screensAs the summer is approaching you might also want to consider utilising outdoor space for quick catch ups or you can continue with video conference meetings to limit contact with multiple coworkers.

Time to move?

A change to the layout of your office or workplace will be an inevitable part of putting new safety practices in place. A redesign of the office space will no doubt entail moving desks around to allow employees to work at a safe distance from each other. For added peace of mind, you can also consider creating clear demarcations by installing glass partitions.  Or if it’s not possible to change your office layout, protective screens and sneeze screens will provide an effective solution to protect employees and customers and are quick and easy to install.

What are the real benefits of recycling

What are the real benefits of recycling?

You may have heard the phrase ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ and this is a key term associated with recycling that is used all over the globe. It refers to how we should be living more sustainably and how we can be more environmentally friendly in our everyday lives.

But that still leaves us with the question: Why should we recycle? There are so many benefits of recycling and in this blog, we are going to explore some of the most important benefits that recycling has on our environment.


Reduce the amount of waste going to landfill

Every day our population continues to grow and more and more waste is being produced and going to landfill which is causing a huge strain on our environment. This leads to an increased risk of pollution, poisoning and potential health problems. By continuing to recycle, little by little we can reduce the amount of waste going to landfill, as well as reduce the amount of space required for landfill sites.


Recycling creates more jobs

The recycling industry is huge and is much more labour intensive than solid waste management. In fact, Friends of the Earth said that if 70% of collected waste was recycled, it could create over 51,000 recycling jobs in the UK. Recycling is an integrated process that requires thousands of workers to sort and ship it to the right places.


Protecting wildlife

Sadly, it’s predicted that a truckload of plastic waste is poured into our oceans every minute which has detrimental effects. Not only can it take up to 200 years to decompose, it poses a huge threat to marine life and is also dangerous to birds who often mistake them as food.

Recycling reduces the need to extract new raw materials from the Earth which helps to reduce and prevent further damage being done to natural wildlife. For example, fewer forests being cut down which can harm wildlife in the process, fewer rivers being diverted and less air and water pollution.


Cheaper than waste collection

To put it simply, the more we recycle, the more money we save. In 2017, Lambeth council said that “it is six times cheaper to dispose of recycled waste than general refuse”. By recycling, we can put all the money that we save towards other vital elements within our economy such as households, business and public services. Recycling your food waste is also very beneficial as often it can be reused to generate compost for growing more food or crops.


Bring the community together

Whilst each and every one of us has a part to play in recycling, ultimately it should be a community effort. Whether you’re collecting materials for schools or picking up trash on the road, there are many ways that we, as a community, can work together to make recycling a much more enjoyable and easier process.

Most councils have now set up ‘recycling centres’ which make it easy as ever for the local community to recycle and most council websites also have free downloads to show you exactly what we can and can’t recycle and where it should go.

As we want recycling to become a part of our everyday life, this is also a great way to teach children about responsibility and taking a stance to help protect their environment.


As we’ve seen above, recycling is very important as waste has a huge negative impact on our natural environment. Not only does recycling help to reduce the pollution caused by waste, it reduces the need for raw materials so that our wildlife can be protected. As important as it is to recycle, we also need to focus on reducing the amount of plastic that we are using the first place.

At Quills, we are working hard to continue on our environmental journey and love to help our customers purchase more sustainably and reach their CSR targets. Why not be part of our journey and make a bigger impact? Get in touch today to see how we can help you become a greener business.

Tips for reducing your plastic use


Plastic has insidiously crept into every corner of our lives and it’s predicted that a truckload of plastic waste is poured into our oceans every minute. However, thanks to the increased number of documentaries and resources available, such as the Blue Planet series by David Attenborough, plastic pollution has now become a global issue that we are all aware off and one that many of us are looking to change.

There are so many simple ways to use less plastic and all you really need to do is stop and question whether your plastic item is really needed – the answer is probably not! Here are some top tips for reducing the use of plastic in your everyday life:


Plastic straws are a definite no-no!

Let’s face it, plastic straws suck. Although plastic straws should technically be recyclable, they aren’t and they’re having detrimental effects on our oceans. Not only can they take up to 200 years to decompose, they pose a huge threat to ocean life and are also incredibly dangerous to birds who often mistake them for food.

So, next time you’re out and buy a drink, think to yourself – do I really need a straw? If the answer’s no, then don’t have one. If you do really need a straw, try out an eco-friendly alternative instead such as paper straws which many restaurants and pubs have already introduced.

Whilst many organisations such as Lonely Whale have already put the anti-plastic straw movement on the map, it’s important to still encourage your local restaurants, pubs and bars to stop adding straws to drinks by default and make customers ask for them instead.


Reusable bottles

Did you know that we use over 35 million plastic bottles in the UK every day? What’s even scarier is that only 1 out of 5 of these bottles are recycled correctly. It’s time for change! If you want to cut the amount of plastic you use AND save money, then it’s time to get yourself a reusable bottle instead. Not only are they super-convenient, but they are also incredibly durable so will last you a long time. To help encourage this movement, there are even apps that you can download that share locations near to you where you can refill your water bottles for free!

If you’re a business, why not invest in eco-friendly promotional water bottles and promote your brand? By giving these to employees and prospects, you’ll be discouraging the use of single-use plastic and also benefit from branding on the go!


Don’t forget your refillable coffee cup too!

If you rely on a coffee fix in the morning like many of us do, have you purchased a re-useable cup yet? In the UK we currently throw away around 2.5 billion coffee cups every year and only 1% of these cups can be recycled. Crazy right? Purchasing a refillable cup couldn’t be easier with many of the big coffee shops such as Costa and Starbucks selling them and offering a discount on your coffee each time you bring your own cup in – it’s a win-win!

Bring your own shopping bags

The majority of plastic bags take a huge amount of energy to manufacture, transport across the country and recycle. They don’t break down in landfill sites and overtime release dangerous energy chemicals but yet they are one of the most common types of litter on land. Although, since we introduced the charge for plastic bags in England, we’ve seen a whopping 85% drop in the use of plastics bags – yippee! To keep this number falling, invest in a foldaway bag that can be placed in your normal everyday handbag – convenient and eco-friendly!

There is an endless range of environmentally friendly shopping bag alternatives including bags made from natural jute with cotton webbing and rope handles; and many promotional items too for your business!

Bring your own cutlery

It’s happened to all of us when you’re out in public and you decide to grab a quick bite to eat but the only cutlery options available are plastic! Carry around your own cutlery, even if it’s just a fork so that you always have something in your bag to avoid giving in to the dreaded plastic cutlery. If you have to use plastic, don’t throw it away once you’re finished with it, give it a clean and re use it. If you’re feeling creative, why not try getting your own spork?!


Foil over clingfilm

In simple terms: foil can be recycled, cling film can’t. If you make regular lunches to take to work or even just need to wrap your food up to keep it fresh, always try to use foil instead as this is much nicer for the environment. When you’re finished with it, remember to stick it in the recycling bin! Alternatively, use a lunch box which can be used over and over again.


Glitter – sparkle and be guiltfree

Although there’s a huge sense of fun and joy about using glitter (and all things sparkly for that matter) there’s a sad reality that glitter is, well, awful for the environment. It’s made from such a small size of plastic which is part of the ever-growing ‘microplastic’ problem. In summary, when glitter is washed down the drain, it’s consumed by fish, plankton and birds and then it collects in their stomachs and causes the animals to die or instead, can make its way up the food chain and end up on our plates. Yuck!

But don’t worry, we can still rock up to festivals with glitter-covered bodies thanks to all the eco-friendly options available. Check out eco glitter fun for some inspiration.

How to reduce your carbon footprint

If your business is reviewing their carbon footprint, take a look at this article on An SME’s guide to reducing your carbon footprint and environmental impact which we love.

If part of your business goal is to become more environmentally friendly, take a look at our sustainable purchasing solutions to help you meet your CSR targets. We also have a huge range of eco-friendly office supplies and promotional items too.


What colours increase employee productivity

What colours increase employee productivity, well-being and satisfaction

Different colours affect employees in different ways, learn how interior design can impact office behaviour

The psychology of colour is relevant in all areas of interior design, however, it becomes especially relevant when looking to increase employee productivity, well-being, and satisfaction in an office. Every colour evokes a different reaction or emotion in a person, learning which reaction or emotion comes along with each colour can ultimately create a better work environment. Here is a list of colours that will benefit your office overall:


Blue, especially light blue, is often associated with feelings of calmness and ease. Painting an office blue, and using blue decorations or floor coverings, will allow the employees to feel relaxed and less anxious about their daily tasks. Similarly, blue is associated with productivity because it is known to stimulate the mind.

Different shades of blue around an office have been proven to induce creativity; this is especially true in conference rooms where creative ideas are being talked about and passed around with other employees.


Red is proven to increase energy in a room. Though not recommended to paint an entire office red, because the use of too much red creates feelings of anxiety, the use of red accent walls or red decorations can wake the mind up. Red also motivates people which will increase not only productivity levels but also wellbeing. According to an expert at Goldleaf Designs, custom home builders, simply by painting an office can change the entire overall mood of a workspace.

The combination of light blue and red around an office can also provide a creativity boost for employees. Combining a classic warm colour with a classic blue colour creates a visually pleasing balance for employees, making them more productive.

A popular trend in office interior design has been the use of red seating and wall hangings surrounded by an otherwise white or neutral background. This trend diverts attention to different areas of a workspace which will constantly stimulate the brain, creating new and productive ideas.


Associated with the sun, yellow creates feelings of optimism and happiness in a work environment; thus, employee well-being and satisfaction. Yellow can also create creativity in the work environment because it stimulates the mind and creates feelings of self-assurance.

However, be careful of too much yellow. Yellow, like red and orange, is a warm colour and too much of it can create feelings of anxiety and even anger. If you are using yellow as a paint colour, make sure it is a pale yellow. Neutral walls with yellow accent decorations and accent wall may be a good choice to prevent the risk of overstimulation.


Green, similar to the feelings associated with light blue, is associated with tranquillity and calmness. Different shades of green around the office can even create feelings or thoughts of nature which in turn, creates emotions of ease and satisfaction. Green also adds a sense of balance in a room which will help the well-being of employees.

Adding plants is an easy way to add green to an office space in addition to decorations and paint.

Green is often used in workspaces that work with money and finances a great deal because it constantly evokes the memory and thought of money to the employees as they work.


White is great for offices because it makes space feel bigger, cleaner, and even happier. White is practically a good choice for smaller offices because it will maximize the space. White also coordinates well with almost all other colours so it can be used as an accent wall in a room, a base, or on all walls. With the various ways in which white can be used in an office, it always adds to employee well-being by increasing overall happiness.

If white is used on all walls, it’s recommended that the walls have a fair amount of wall hangings and decorations in order to keep employees visually stimulated. Too much white can give off a “doctor’s office feel.”

A common colour theme in offices is the use of white and blue. The combination of white and blue, emulating a blue sky with clouds, makes employees optimistic and productive in addition to keeping the space lively. White walls accompanied by blue furniture is a popular way to create this colour theme.


Experimenting with colour and different colour combinations will affect employee productivity in a positive way while keeping employees happy and motivated to keep working. With proper research and planning, getting the right colour scheme for your office will be easy and beneficial. The possibilities are endless when redesigning your office space. For inspiration or to start discussing your design projects, get in touch with one of our interior experts today.

data archiving solutions

Data archiving solutions: The benefits and what to consider

As your business grows year on year, the amount of data and information you need to hold increases as well. Whether the data is held in a digital or hard copy format there will come a point when some of the data and information becomes redundant and is no longer needed on a daily basis. However, you may still need it in the future, or you have to retain it for legal and compliance reasons. 

You want your essential data, which is used on a daily basis, to be a manageable size and efficiently stored. A good way to achieve this is by moving the data you no longer use regularly to a less expensive but secure location, while at the same time making it easily available if it’s is needed in the future.

Benefits of archiving your data digitally

The benefits of keeping your archived data digitally in a secure location where it is indexed and organised correctly (and where it cannot be affected by fire or water damage) are:

  • Improve the performance of your current business systems and applications
  • Reduced costs in terms of data back-ups and upgrades
  • Make available valuable floor space within your office and on your servers 
  • Digital data retrieval is quicker, cheaper and greener as there’s no access to your company information
  • Legal and regulatory compliance
  • No loss of data due to traceable audit trails
  • Data is readily available and easy to retrieve
  • Only authorised people can access the data

There are a number of options when it comes to the storage of digital data, including hard drives, USB memory sticks, DLT tapes, DAT tapes, CD Rom and DVD. Look for storage companies that keep hardware under controlled environmental conditions in a durasteel vault.

What to consider

There are many data archiving solutions available for both digital and physical storage and you may need a combination of both in a tailored solution. You need a provider who has state-of-the-art records management centres that have 24/7 CCTV monitoring, sound business practices and transparent pricing.

Whichever way your data is stored, you want to find a storage company that can retrieve your data – whether it’s just a single file or an entire archive box – quickly and accurately. If you need to retrieve a paper file, you will want a company that can deliver it to you safely and on time. 

A good archiving solutions provider will have a complete file tracking solution which locates documents quickly and can also track the file documents from retrieval through to delivery.

With documents that must be kept for legal and compliance reasons, safety is the prime concern, but also look for companies with deep storage solutions as that will make storage more cost-effective.

Archive storage companies will be happy to advise you on best practices, record management policies and retention policies.

Click here to find out more about how we can help you with archiving and the different solutions available.

How to make your business more sustainable in 2020

How to make your business more sustainable in 2020

How to make your business more sustainable in 2020


I’m sure we’d all agree that we could be greener and small changes can have a huge impact on our environment especially for a business or manufacturer. As more and more of us understand the importance of corporate social responsibility and the environmental impact that operational and purchasing processes can have on a business, it’s important to consider how you can become more eco-friendly for your company’s reputation from its customers, employees and stakeholders.

Here are some of the ways you can make your business greener:

Set up a ‘Green Team’

Creating a ‘Green Team’ in the office, or even just allocating a ‘Green Champion’, is a great way to brainstorm new ideas and keep your business becoming more eco-friendly. Empower staff to make important decisions and introduce new initiatives that will encourage all staff and customers to improve their recycling processes. You can even introduce new ‘green policies’ that staff have to abide by such as no plastic bottles in the office or no desk bins. If possible, ensure your Green Team are made up of members from different departments within the business so that you can include different business perspectives. For example, include someone from the operations team to ensure you’re getting the best products as well as a member of the marketing team to discuss how to communicate your green ideas effectively.

Use green products

What do you do once you’ve finished with your used ink pen – throw it in the bin? Probably, because that’s all we’ve ever done. Every year, we fill up landfills with perfectly reusable pens and it’s time to consider stocking up on recycled or reusable stationery instead. Using green stationery will not only help the environment and reduce the amount of waste going to landfills but will save you money and improve your eco-credentials. It may also be worth keeping your office supplies cupboard under management by the designated ‘Green Champion’ who can be sure to see if there’s an eco-alternative or refillable option out there. There are many recycling schemes around which are free of charge and are designed to help make recycling your used batteries, ink and toner cartridges and other items a much easier process.

Clean green

Going green with your cleaning products is also recommended to help improve the health of your cleaning staff and other employees as well as remove harmful toxins from the workplace environment and less harsh chemicals going into our water systems.

Review your waste

Whilst we appreciate that this isn’t particularly the most appealing job to be done, reviewing your waste is an effective way to understand exactly what your business is using and what is being thrown away. Your waste provider will probably have a portal that you can log in to and see the split of recycling and waste to landfill.  This should give you a good indication of any changes that need to be made or new policies that should be introduced. For example, if there are a lot of plastic cups in the bin from the water cooler, replace the cups with eco-friendly and biodegradable versions. We also suggest doing this regularly, such as once a month to measure the success and impact you’re making.   Alternatively, why not consider mains filtered water?

Challenge suppliers or use sustainable suppliers

Getting access to more eco-friendly products can be as simple as asking your existing suppliers to provide a more environmental service or product range or even ask to see their CSR Policy. Just like you, there will be many other businesses asking suppliers the same questions so don’t be afraid! If your current suppliers don’t offer any green products or if they’re not looking to be more environmentally friendly, start looking for other sustainable providers instead.

In the meantime, it’s also important to review what you’re currently purchasing and if there are any internal or external changes that can be made which will quickly improve your eco-credentials. For example:

  1. What type of packaging are you using to send out to customers? Is it recyclable?
  2. Do your delivery vans comply with ULEZ standards?
  3. Are you using single-use plastic void in boxes?
  4. Do you have centralised waste bins in the office or warehouse?
  5. Do you recycle your office equipment?
  6. Are you using recycled stationery and office supplies products?
  7. Do you recycle your paper?
  8. Do you re-use packaging?

Introduce #GreenChallenges

Green challenges can be a fun way of encouraging your employees to be more environmentally friendly. For example, you could challenge your staff to go for a month without using any plastic eating utensils, and then reward those who complete the challenge by offering small (and perhaps even eco-friendly) prizes! Our eco-friendly promotional gifts catalogue is a great place to start looking at prize ideas.

Make the office greener (literally!) 

Bringing shrubs and plants in your building can massively help improve the air quality around your organisation which is essential for your employees. In addition, this will also help your business look a lot more attractive visually and there is only little maintenance required for looking after them. Bringing more nature into the office means more oxygen is produced and creates a happier space for your employees to work in.

Take a look at how Quills can help with your Eco Purchasing and CSR targets by getting in touch with our friendly team who are more than happy to help.