
Small but Mighty – Revolutionising Facilities Management

In the realm of facilities management, size doesn’t always determine success. In fact, smaller firms with niche specialties can often provide a level of personalised service and innovation that larger corporations struggle to match. Today, we’re going to explore the unique advantages of partnering with a small facilities management company that boasts a powerful Facilities Management software, expertise in fit-out installations and comprehensive FM compliance management.

Facilities Management Supplier

One of the primary benefits of working with a small facilities management company is the personalised attention clients receive. Unlike larger firms, where you might be just another account number, smaller companies often prioritise building strong relationships with their clients. This means you’re not just another contract to fulfill but a valued customer whose unique needs are understood, addressed and the relationship is nurtured.

Agility and Flexibility

Small facilities management companies are inherently more agile and flexible than their larger counterparts. They can adapt quickly to changing circumstances, whether it’s adjusting schedules, accommodating special requests, or implementing new technologies. This agility ensures that your facility management needs are met promptly and efficiently, without bureaucratic delays or red tape.

Specialised Expertise

While larger firms may offer a broad range of services, small facilities management companies often specialise in specific areas, allowing them to become experts in their field. In the case of our featured company, their unique selling proposition lies in their Facilities Management software, fit-out installation capabilities, and site compliance management expertise. This specialisation means you’re benefiting from the latest advancements and best practices in those particular areas, resulting in superior service and outcomes.

Fit-Out and Maintenance

Beyond the initial fit-out installation, the commitment to client solutions continues with ongoing maintenance and compliance. Here’s where their unique value proposition truly shines. Once the fit-out is complete, many facilities face the challenge of maintaining compliance with various regulations and standards, especially concerning critical elements like boilers, warehouse doors, lifts, and more.

This is where your FM partner steps in with their comprehensive approach to maintenance and compliance management should you require this. They understand that ensuring the continued functionality and safety of these key components is paramount for the smooth operation of your facility. Their team is well-versed in the intricacies of regulatory requirements and industry standards, ensuring that your facility remains in compliance at all times.

By entrusting your maintenance and compliance needs to our FM partner, you can rest assured that critical systems are regularly inspected, serviced, and documented after a fit-out. This proactive approach not only minimises the risk of downtime and costly repairs but also demonstrates a commitment to the safety and well-being of your staff and visitors.

Integrated Solutions

What sets the small facilities management company apart is their ability to provide integrated solutions throughout the entire lifecycle of your facility. From initial fit-out installations to ongoing site compliance management, they have you covered every step of the way. Their comprehensive Facilities Management software serves as a central hub for managing all aspects of your facility, streamlining processes, and ensuring seamless communication between stakeholders.


Contrary to common misconceptions, partnering with a small facilities management company can often be more cost-effective than opting for a larger firm. Without the overheads associated with big corporate structures, small companies can offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality. Moreover, their efficiency and expertise can help optimise operations and minimise unnecessary expenses over time, delivering long-term value for your investment.

Extension to the Team

By outsourcing your facility management needs, you’re not just hiring a service provider – you’re gaining access to a pool of expertise and resources that may not be available in-house. The third party provider can become the ‘extenstion of the team’ or the ‘main go-to team’ which could lead to significant cost savings.

Firstly, relying on a third-party FM provider means you can access skills and knowledge that you may not have within your own team. Whether it’s specialised technical expertise, regulatory compliance know-how, or innovative solutions, your FM partner can fill in the gaps and provide invaluable support where needed. This means you don’t have to invest in hiring additional staff or training existing employees, saving both time and money.

Furthermore, having a smaller in-house team supplemented by an outsourced FM partner can lead to more efficient resource allocation. Instead of maintaining a large team to cover all possible scenarios, you can streamline your internal operations and focus on core business activities. Knowing that your FM partner is just a phone call away provides peace of mind, allowing you to scale resources up or down as needed without the overheads associated with maintaining a large in-house team.

In essence, the cost-effectiveness of partnering with a small facilities management company extends beyond the immediate financial savings. It’s about leveraging external expertise and resources to enhance your operational efficiency, minimise risks and drive overall business performance. By viewing your FM partner as an extension of your team, you’re not just reducing costs – you’re unlocking new possibilities for growth and success.

Commitment to Excellence

Finally, what truly sets a small facilities management company apart is their unwavering commitment to excellence. They take pride in their work and are dedicated to exceeding client expectations at every turn. Whether it’s ensuring your facility is running smoothly, maintaining compliance with regulations, or leveraging technology to drive innovation, they go above and beyond to deliver results that speak for themselves.

In conclusion, while big names may dominate the facilities management industry, there’s a compelling case to be made for the power of small. By partnering with a specialised firm like the one we’ve discussed, you’re not just getting a service provider – you’re gaining a strategic partner invested in your success. With personalised attention, specialised expertise, integrated solutions, and a commitment to excellence, the small facilities management company is proving that when it comes to managing your facility, size isn’t everything – it’s the quality of service that truly matters.

Three essentials every new business owner will need


The moment your new business finally gets up and running can feel incredibly exciting, particularly if you have lots of plans that you’re eager to put into action. Of course, having big aspirations for a new company can also mean encountering hurdles, particularly in your first year of navigating the business landscape.

If you’re in the process of starting up a new business, you’ll be keen to ensure a smooth transition navigating the business landscape. Want to ensure that the launch of your new business goes as smoothly as possible? If the answer is yes, read on for three essential components that are key to a successful start-up venture.


An inspiring, functional office space

It can be hard to get into that motivational mindset if your office isn’t inspiring or equipped to promote progression, but by investing in your workspace, you can make it a place that both you and your colleagues will love to be in. Use warm, vibrant colours in collaborative spaces to help your employees get their creative juices flowing, and subtle neutrals in your personal office space to promote a sense of calm and allow for mental clarity. Incorporating office plants into your space is also a great way to add some pops of colour in addition to their health benefits.

When you start your renovations, it’s worth future-proofing your office space for growth. I’ts more more cost-effective to get everything done with one installation charge and this also ensures that the range you chose won’t be discontinued in the future  and ensure everything matches and ties in nicely.

Of course, your office needs to be functional, too. New business owners should make sure they have ample storage space to securely file important documents, as well as plenty of room for meetings and breakout spaces, and don’t forget to include extras like charging points, hot water taps and vending machines. You’ll also want to ensure that you also have the latest technology in place on employee laptops, including video call software like MS Teams, Zoom or Google Meet.

A professional website

Your website is essentially the face of your business, and first impressions count. It’s important to make sure that your website looks professional, and is well-developed with functionality in mind. Ensure contact forms are built-in and look to connect any leads straight into your chosen CRM.

Your website is also the ideal place to showcase team talent. This is key for new business leaders looking to make their mark and gain the trust of potential clients, investors and future employees.

To boost your website’s performance, you’ll want to think about your on-page content and ensure this is SEO-enhanced. To do this, you can reach out to a local marketing agency whose creative writing team will be on hand to help ensure your site has the right keywords built-in. Similarly, you may want to devote some time to developing your online presence in other areas, such as  social media to encourage more traffic to your site.

A determined team

There’s no business without people, and while you’ve come a long way in getting your company set up, it’ll be hard to move forward and truly progress without the support of a committed team behind you, particularly if you’re looking to expand quickly.

It can take some time to get the right group of people together, and when you’re first starting out, it can be hard to know exactly who your company needs, and what gaps they need to fill. For this reason, any business start-up should focus on hiring professionals who are motivated and determined to create something that will last – people who see and understand the company vision, and are committed to undertaking the hard work needed to get there.

A successful future in business

Those who have made it far enough to start their own business are likely to already have a good idea of exactly what they need to take their company to the next level. Plus, the essentials you’ll need will usually become clearer as you navigate your first year or so of business, identifying any gaps and areas for improvement along the way.

With the help of a functional space, industry-standard equipment, a little creative marketing and a motivated team, you have plenty to get you set up and working towards a successful future in business.

8 Reasons why to implement an Archiving strategy

In today’s digital world we’re all striving to create a paperless workplace, but it can prove challenging.  Introducing a document management process is a great way to start removing those pesky papers and documents!  Whether your workplace is looking to build a Data Management policy, have a clutter free office or reduce floor space premiums, we’re going to show you 8 reasons why implementing a document archiving strategy could be a great step to take.

We push data to the cloud, google drives, one drives, so why not store your archiving documents in a secure document retrieval system for safe keeping and instant access?

All documents are vulnerable to being destroyed, lost or corrupted (if digital), either maliciously, be accident, or by a natural disaster, such as a flood or fire.  With electronic documents these can be compromsed by security threats.  

Take a look at 8 reasons why archiving is a positive step to introduce in your workplace.


When you receive a request for data you can confidently confirm the delivery time frames when you have a document management system in place.  Documents are indexed and given an individual identification code.  Documents are then boxed up and sent for storage in a secure warehouse and are then ready to be retrieved when a request is submitted for either the physical documents or digital copies.  


Documents can be located with ease and you can have them securely delivered to your office or digitally within set time frames.


Once you have decluttered and organised your off-site archiving you will have more space to future proof for growth or possibly downsize.


If you have a considerable amount of space now available and over multiple floors it might be possible to consider downsizing which will save your business money.


Implementing an digital archiving strategy can form part of your journey to reduce the need for paper onsite and helps you adhere to data protection regulations. You will also remove the possibility of losing data due to natural disasters from water or fire when its in a digital format. Shredding onsite is also possible with the use of a mobile shredding truck which can shred up to 3 tonnes of paper an hour and can also securely destroy IT equipment and media (compliant to EN15713 standard).


A scan-back service is a greener alternative to traditional vehicle based document retrieval. The scan-back service offers digital access to documents, which will help reduce labour costs and increase productivity and of course less Co2 emissions.  The steps include logging into a portal to view your documents, you identify and request your files (searching using index numbers and other metadata) and the provider locates your documents to scan and return it the same day.  A scan on demand service also provides a full audit trail to show who has interacted with a document, when and its delivery status. You can also add in restrictions to who can access certain documents for added levels of security.


A certificate of destruction is provided for any records that are shredded after a scanning project if the hard copies are no longer required or when documents are no longer required to be stored.  


No more storing your files in a cupboard!  With a records management provider your files are secure from the start.  Collection and delivery is via lorries fitted with security trackers and documents are then scanned in and held within state-of-the-art, purpose built, storage premises which are climate controlled, with 24/7 security and CCTV in place for peace of mind. Don’t forget to check your provider has records management acreditations including ISO27001 (compliance for information security) and ISO9001 (compliance for quality management systems) as a minimum.

If your business would like to discuss implementing a Records Management System for your workplace, click here. 


Job satisfaction and happiness in the workplace

As we spend an average of 35% of our adult life at work, we all strive to find a company where we can be happy and have a good work-life balance.

So what makes an employee happy?  Take a look at our infographic below for tips on how to achieve job satisfaction and happiness at work.

Why Smart Businesses Are Focusing On Employee Happiness

In recent years, there has been a distinct trend in workplaces leaning towards being more human-centric. Trends designed to encourage collaboration and interaction like the open office; workplaces with bean bags and sofas to promote happiness at work.

Businesses like Google and Facebook are renown for having lavish offices that could be mistaken as theme parks, often elaborately decorated and complete with fancy toys like slides.

The question is: what’s driving these trends? More importantly, is there any benefit to them or are they just clever marketing tactics?

In a world obsessed with social media, where each aspect of everyday life is an opportunity for Instagram and everything is under pressure to be picture perfect, it’s easy to dismiss these offices as pandering. Or worse, compensating. After all, having a photogenic office does not make your office a fun or successful place to work . . . But it can make your office look fun and successful, which, as per social media culture, can seem just as important. Plus, it’s a way for companies to get featured on “Top 10 Coolest Offices In The World” lists and go viral.

That being said, the rise of human-centric design is by no means a fad or parlour trick. These businesses may be savvy on the marketing aspect of their excessive designs – but, first and foremost, they’re meeting the needs of their most important target audience: their employees. 

Workers Don’t Want Slides And Ball Pits

Expedia is a prime example of a business getting it right; routinely listed on the aforementioned “cool office” lists, Expedia’s London office boasts table tennis, football, gaming consoles and a cocktail bar. Knowing this, it likely comes as no surprise that in 2016 and 2017 Expedia was Glassdoor’s highest rated place to work (based on employee satisfaction). What may be surprising…

86% of UK employees surveyed said fun office features are of no value to them. 25% find certain features annoying. – Source

If employees’ happiness isn’t being impacted by office additions such as ball pits and gaming areas, what makes Expedia such a good place to work? They focus on what employees actually want.

Expedia employees aren’t happy because of all the office’s fancy bells and whistles; the most common praise is in fact for “culture” and “career opportunities”. Instead of focusing their efforts solely on creating an Instagram worthy workplace full of amenities people are considered to want, they focused on the things that people have actually been proven to want.

What Do Workers Want?

Fortunately (from a business perspective, at least) what employees actually want is less planning-permission-required, up-in-the-clouds slides and more down to earth.

In 2016 , a Society for Human Resource Management study discovered some of the things employees value most are:

  • Pay
  • Prospects
  • Feeling respected
  • Trust

In terms of additional benefits, slides and gaming consoles still don’t rank very highly on employees priority list. The kind of perks people actually want, according to Harvard Business Review’s study, are:



Why Are Businesses Focusing On What Employees Want?

Thinking about the working culture of the past, it may be weird to think that businesses are now catering to their employees. After all, employees are paid to be at work – what else is necessary?

For smart businesses, a lot more. 

Happy, satisfied employees are all-round a far better investment for the company. They’re more efficient, more productive and they stay at the company for longer. On top of that, their quality of work is improved too!

Did you know that a report carried out by Oxford Economics found that it costs up to £30k to replace an employee?

Your business is built on your employees’ work – so you want to make sure that they’re working to their optimal capacity.

We hope this article provided you some insight into why smart companies focus on their employee happiness – and why your business should too.

For more business solutions, feel free to take a look at our extensive service list.